I’m Dave Darr, a husband, dad, nature lover, and business owner, forever stoked about Jesus.
This is a personal blog for exploring biblical scripture and Christianity, while fully embracing the wildly imperfect journey we’re on. Together, we can struggle to learn how to live more like Jesus Christ, on mission. Whether you’re seeking to grow in your faith, discovering Christianity for the first time, or even deconstructing your faith, you’re in good company.
I started this blog after having many conversations with friends, family, and strangers who are deeply questioning their childlike faith in Jesus. Understandably, the religion we grew up with has been seriously tarnished with church hurt, shitty people, politics, and life in general. I went through a few years of agnosticism and came out still very imperfect, but with a renewed faith in God’s word and a hope in Jesus I can now cling to.
I believe having a honest and authentic relationship with Jesus is both beautiful and ugly. We bare our sins, our doubts, He sees all, and knows all, yet He still willingly bore our sins on the cross, so we may become unshackled from the weight of shame. Like a marriage, relationships take work and sacrifice, they also birth beauty and newness, so let’s embrace it all.
I like to picture Jesus as a loving father full of pride, waving a banner, and shouting our name, as we make our way to the finish line of life. I think Jesus is thunder-raging in love with us, and longs for our homecoming. While at times we may feel separate from Him, we can never truly separate ourselves from His love. This is the real Jesus the world needs to know, and He’s for everyone.
“God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.” Romans 5:8